Accelerating the Transition to Sustainable & Circular Practices

What is a Circulist?

A circulist is committed to unlocking the value of the circular economy, and empowering the potential to reimagine our world as a better, more sustainable place, where products are good for people and the planet.
The products of the future will be designed to mimic nature's closed loop, regenerative systems, where nothing is wasted. Where the intrinsic value of products is derived from their use, rather than consumption.

Create Beautiful Products for the Circular Economy.

Be part of the first circular product ecosystem for product designers and manufacturers.

Be Responsible

Goodbye Industrialist.
Hello Circulist.

Let’s Pave the Way.

Join a group of business leaders, designers, entrepreneurs and engineers who are committed to closing the loop on manufacturing.
Learn about Transition Plus
Register to one of our  Transition Plus Programs
Request for Custom Advisory on Transition Planning
Join us in one of our EU Cities Tour Bootcamps
Get help with your Green Financing Application

From Our Growing Community

For our planet to provide us with clean air and water, and all that we need, we must create and manufacture in a circular and sustainable way. Circulist creates a blueprint we can all implement to help our planet, and in the process help us all.
Caradoc Ehrenhalt
Founder and CEO, EV Safe Charge
For our planet to provide us with clean air and water, and all that we need, we must create and manufacture in a circular and sustainable way. Circulist creates a blueprint we can all implement to help our planet, and in the process help us all.
Caradoc Ehrenhalt
Founder and CEO, EV Safe Charge
For our planet to provide us with clean air and water, and all that we need, we must create and manufacture in a circular and sustainable way. Circulist creates a blueprint we can all implement to help our planet, and in the process help us all.
Caradoc Ehrenhalt
Founder and CEO, EV Safe Charge
What Circulist is doing is a fundamental shift in the way industrial designers have been trained. Its an incredibly exciting time with huge innovation opportunities just waiting to be realized.
John Van Den Nieuwenhuizen
Senior R+D Director, Typhur
It is our responsibility as designers to create better products and experiences while making less waste. We must stop talking about how we must change and start changing now.
Bret Recor
Founder, Box Clever
“Circulist is an opportunity to support and be inspired by like minded people who believe in the power of collaboration and want to do better for our planet, for people and for nature.”
Monica Richter
Senior Manager, Low Carbon Futures
“As a society we are facing significant challenges and can’t afford to continue building the way we do now. What is required is the far-reaching transformation of our current practices including new approaches to design, materials, construction and business models. Moving from a linear economy to circular economy will be fundamental to decarbonising our building culture.”
Ninotschka Titchkosky
co-CEO, BVN Architecture
"Moving our world & transitioning our economies toward a circular (cradle to cradle) model is paramount in order to accomplish positive outcomes for People, Planet and Profit. The digital revolution over the last few decades has shown us the way, the future will be Circular."
Vinko Grgić
Founder, Three Eyed

Come Onboard the
Circulist Quest

Follow Nick Gonios as he speaks to industrial designers, product manufacturers and innovators on the quest to dematerialise the world and accelerate the shift to the circular economy.
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Nick Gonios

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